Sometimes life’s events bring us to places we would have never imagined, leaving us in a state of conflict, discord or unrest. This can impact us in such a way leaving us feeling stressed, depressed, anxious and disconnected in our relationships. Finding peace and reconciliation with our personal and relational struggles isn’t easy to accomplish on our own. Thankfully, there is help.
I have had the had the joy of helping individuals and couples find healing from, and create the positive change they are looking for, with issues including:
- • Depression
- • Anxiety
- • Marital Problems
- • Low self-esteem
- • Trauma
- • Relationship Issues
- • Life Transitions
Finding peace and reconciliation with our relationships, our choices, our careers, our habits and life events through therapy can be a significant step to getting life back on track. If you are ready to take your next step to get back on track call me today and let’s begin the process.
Explore the rest of the site to learn more.
I Specialize In:
Tailored To Your Needs
I don’t have a “one size fits all” approach to therapy. I like to tailor my work with each of my clients according to their needs and what they want to achieve during the course of our work together.
Michael Miller

It was my own life’s twist and turns, and unexpected consequences, that led me to becoming a Marriage and Family Therapist. My journey toward reconciliation with some very painful issues in my life was not an easy one. Nevertheless, my personal growth, healed relationships, and renewed sense of purpose has given me a unique perspective that promotes trust and honesty between my clients and myself... Continue Reading